以下是穆德設計為Fortune Pencil所作的介紹: 「鉛筆為西方器物,結合東方抽籤的文化意念,取其諧音為「籤筆」,當抽取籤筆時,筆桿上中英文籤文了預測今日的運勢,而當下,人們與產品的互動而有了情感、愉悅的心情、幽默感。 本商品以凹凸筆筒包裝,無需擔心籤筆無處可放,且此筆筒為內包材再利用之綠色設計,兼具環保及實用特性。原木材質籤筆觸感極佳,每次從籤筒中抽出新的籤筆使用時,也同時期待能抽出支幸運籤,讓幸運籤文帶來好運。籤筆共有多種不同幸運籤文並有個幸運笑臉,使用籤筆時始終對您微笑,極富幽默及趣味。」 「Pencil is a western writing implement; to link up to the eastern culture of luck draws, the product is named luck draw pencil in Chinese, which when pronounced in chinese is phonetically identical to that of a pencil. The shaft of the pencil is written with different tellings that predicts your fortune of the day. By doing this, it adds interaction between human and the product. This product is designed and packaged in a concave and convex box. The pencil box is made of recyclable materials that is earth friendly and can be put into good use. The luck draw pencils display various fortunes and smiley faces that add humor and fun to writing.」 |
實品如圖所示,共有白色及牛皮色的凹凸筆筒兩個及印有吉、平、下三種籤文的2B鉛筆共12支。其中鉛筆是隨機放入的,所以不保證每盒都能有三種籤文,如果不能三種籤文都入手,這樣抽籤的意義好像就有點變質?但是一切都只能碰運氣,所以謎底就等Patricia來揭曉了。 另外,為了重現上面那張圖的意境,我們同時間也挑了_ink設計的有趣小商品「筊 橡皮擦 Buei」來做搭配組合。收到實品的時候連自己都很想立刻「筊」一下 (XD) |
現在真是非常期待跟Patricia相聚的日子呢! 得好好想一下如何在飯桌上用英文玩起這個抽籤問神明的小遊戲才行了~~~ 附上品牌相關連結,有興趣的朋友不妨前去參觀 (請支持台灣設計) |
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