享用完美食,到港邊的Australia National Maritime Museum (澳洲國家海事博物館)參觀吧! 上次來Darling Harbour時原本就計畫要參觀海事博物館的,逛了一大圈最後被精彩的街頭表演吸引住,一時忘了時間,等看完表演時已經超過開放時間啦!不過沒關係,住在雪梨還怕沒機會嗎?這次既然來到Darling Harbou當然一定要來參觀一下海事博物館囉! about the ANMM The Australian National Maritime Museum has thousands of exhibits depicting Australia's history - from ancient times when Aboriginal people trapped fish and traded with Asian neighbours, right up to the present. Visitors can see what life was like on the convict ships; how Australia "rode on the whale's back"; how its first submarine fought bravely (and lost) in World World I at Gallipoli; what people packed when they sailed to a new life on these shores; why surfboards have become shorter; and more. There are displays, hands-on exhibits, a cinema and the latest museum computer games. Guided tours at no cost. 館內的展覽是免費的,如果想參觀潛水艇和戰艦則有另外的付費活動。 要參觀館內的展覽,必須先到入口處的服務台索取「參觀證」貼紙,貼在胸前才能進入唷!進入後館內後有兩個參觀方向,可以選擇先參觀常設展 or 當期展覽!我們這次遇到的展覽活動是「Scott's Last Expedition」展出時間:17 June - 16 October 2011. 我們選擇從常設展的入口開始參觀! 除了一些澳洲航海發展演進史的介紹外,還有一些從軍鑑退役下來的機組零件、船艙內實況模擬、海軍歷史影片(足以顯現澳洲對於軍人們的重視)及不少等比例縮小的船隻模型,展覽內容真的非常豐富!館內燈光其實偏暗,對於Lx2和I-10其實都有一點吃力,無法全部記錄下來,所以沒有拍到的部分就讓大家自己去探索囉! about Scott's last expedition One hundred years after its tragic end, the definitive story of British explorer Captain Robert Falcon Scott's Terra Nova expedition to Antarctica is being told in this major international exhibition. Scott's Last Expedition reunites the artefacts used by Scott and his team together with scientific specimens collected during the 1910-1913 expedition for the first time since their use in Antarctica. When Scott set off on his second journey to explore the Antarctic on board the former whaler Terra Nova, he could not have predicted the tragic ending. He and his four companions died on the return trek from the South Pole two years later, having lost the race to be the first. Scott,英國探險家,於西元1881年加入英國海軍,1891年升為上尉。1900年開始進行第一次到南極洲的探險,其目標是羅斯海。他發現並命名了愛德華七世半島,1904年他回到英國。 Scott於1910年從英國出發,重返南極,目標是要成為第一個到達南極點的人。但同一時間也有另一支隊伍:挪威人-羅爾德·亞孟森,與Scott競爭。很遺憾的是,在這次的南極探險中,Scott因為一些錯誤的決策,不僅沒有成為第一個到達南極點的人,甚至在最後的回程中還喪失了性命,因此這個展覽才會命名為「Scott's last expedition」! 整個展覽呈現方式大致以當年探險隊的主要補給點「一噸營地」為概念,探險隊的物資、生活環境及行進路線介紹,展場中有不少當年探險隊遺留下來的物品,像是禦寒的衣物、睡袋、探險工具等等,不難看出探險隊是在多麼艱難困苦的環境下生存的。展場中也播放著後人及相關歷史學家為這段探險旅程所做的研究與訪談。 關於Scott的相關資料可參考[維基百科] ※很認真的看Scott's的影片中..... ※是Taiwan耶! 天氣好的話可以考慮花點船票費用參觀潛水艇和戰艦,一樣在入口處跟服務台購票就可以囉!另外海事博物館還有一個很特別的「Welcome Wall」,讓民眾可以登記只需要花費AUD$105就能把自己的名字刻在牆面上唷! 相關說明 ANMM http://www.anmm.gov.au Every day 9.30 am - 5.00 pm (6.00 pm in January) Closed 25 December (Christmas Day) |
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